Welcome to the
Nanobiotechnology for Life Sciences Lab!
Nanobiotechnology, or the use of nanotechnology to advance the goals of biological fields, is a rapidly growing discipline aiming at producing novel functional nanostructured biological materials, devices and systems with a wide application scope, especially in Life Sciences.
Toward this direction, the research activity of our Lab mainly falls into the fine design and controlled synthesis of novel multifunctional hybrid nanochimers resulting from the combination of site-selective engineered biomolecules (e.g. peptides, proteins, enzymes, polysaccharides, lipids, antibodies or oligonucleotides) together with different customized functional nanomaterials.
As result of our highly multidisciplinary research, we are able to achieve tailor-made multifunctional nanobiohybrids showing novel and/or enhanced properties in comparison with those of their individual constituting nano/bioelements.
Thanks to their multifunctional behavior, these nanochimers have encountered wide application (e.g. as therapeutics, diagnostics, or biocatalysts) confirming their emerging usefulness as next-generation platforms for bioelectronic, biosensing, advanced biocatalysis, molecular imaging modalities, biological actuators and biomedical applications.
Participation of NBT4LS in the large collaborative REACT ANTICIPA project
This project aims at developping novel multi-integrated strategies against the COVID19 pandemic.
Showcase of our RAP-ID19 project
Showcase of our "Supera COVID19" funded RAP-ID19 project in the Work Café Santander.
Press release of our last paper published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
Press release of our last publication: @UCM @CNIC @IBEC @PhysOrg @EurekAlert
Press release in UCM News web
Press release in UCM News web for the 'RAP-ID19' project: fast graphene-based Point-of-Care detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Interview in national spanish TV network ‘La Sexta’
Dr. Marco Filice's interview in the national TV network 'La Sexta' focusing on the development of SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic kit 'RAP-ID19'.
Our RAP-ID19 project funded in the frame of ‘FONDO SUPERA COVID19’ call.
Title: Dispositivo diagnostico 'Point of Care' para la deteccion RAPida de la COVID19. Call: CRUE/CSIC/SANTANDER 'FONDO SUPERA COVID19' (2nd resolution)
Invited Conference at IBS-Granada, Spain
Invited conference of Dr. Marco Filice in the frame of 'Máster Oficial en Investigación Traslacional y Medicina Personalizada (TransMed)'
Interview in national spanish newspaper ‘El Pais’
Dr. Marco Filice's interview with the national newspaper 'El País'.
Released our book: ‘Nucleic Acid Nanotheranostics’ (Editorial Elsevier)
The 1st edition of our book: 'Nucleic Acid Nanotheranostics - Biomedical Applications', edited by Elsevier, has been officially released.